Oh Baby! You got a new Crib!

Jul 31, 11 Oh Baby! You got a new Crib!

Posted by in Baby Product Reviews, Shopping

I’m so happy! The crib is all set up in the nursery and I just can’t stop smiling. It’s another reminder that this is really happening.. we’re really having a baby! Now that I’m on bedrest, I’m depending on Albert a lot to make purchases for our lil one. It’s not too bad though since I...

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Week 20: Wow, you’re the size of a Cantaloupe!

Jul 29, 11 Week 20: Wow, you’re the size of a Cantaloupe!

Posted by in Weekly Pregnancy Updates

What a milestone — it’s Week 20! We’re halfway there darling! And Oh baby, you are such a kicker! Mommy had an ultrasound on Wedesday and we all saw how active you are! The nurses were going wild because you loved kicking the placenta like it’s a soccer ball! I knew I felt you kicking all this time. And...

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Hospital Food Never Tasted So Good!

Jul 27, 11 Hospital Food Never Tasted So Good!

Posted by in Baby Photos, Dr. Visits, Photos

Pregnancy is quite a journey, and believe me when I say that, or when any mother says that. It’s full of ups and downs, but it’s all worth it in the end. Today was one experience I won’t forget. Below is a long and detailed post about my hospital stay. I needed to have a cerclage surgery to keep the baby in until...

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Thank You for Your Support!

Many thanks to everyone for all your happy thoughts and well wishes! Albert and I are very grateful to have you all in our lives! Your comments and stories have been very comforting to us in this tough time. Words cannot describe how thankful we are to have you in our lives. Being positive makes a world of difference and...

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Emotional Ride

Today has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for me. I just felt like the rug was pulled right from under my feet! My doctor was on the phone all morning, trying to get a hold of a specialist for advice. He was really worried that the baby may come out too early. The news just made my heart sank. He finally got a hold of the...

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OC Photoshoot

Jul 23, 11 OC Photoshoot

Posted by in Photos, Tummy Photos

[Photo by JMan Photography] Dear Baby, I promise to love and cherish you, always. The very thought of you makes me smile. This photo that Uncle Jeff captured says it all. Hay baby! Mommy and Daddy and some friends went on a photoshoot in Orange County this weekend. I hope all that walking and heat didn’t get to you. I felt...

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Week 19 – Tummy Photos

Jul 22, 11 Week 19 – Tummy Photos

Posted by in Tummy Photos

Happy Week 19 sweetie! You’re now the size of a mango! I’m so proud of you! You just graduated to a tropical fruit. hehe We’re almost halfway there! Here’s how you look like in my tummy. I’m slowly gaining weight! That means you’re growing much bigger. Awww. I’ll take more pictures tomorrow...

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Week 19: My Little Mango!

Jul 22, 11 Week 19: My Little Mango!

Posted by in Weekly Pregnancy Updates

Hello my little Mango! You’ve graduated to a tropical fruit size! Happy Week 19! We’re almost halfway there darling! I’m getting really excited as well as the jitters. Daddy and I are trying to get things ready for your arrival. We recently learn that this is what people call nesting! As I mentioned last week, my...

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An Evening at Babies ‘R’ Us

Jul 20, 11 An Evening at Babies ‘R’ Us

Posted by in Shopping

Hello darling! Daddy and I went to Babies ‘R’ Us this evening and we had way too much fun. We were testing and checking out baby gear for you, but our main goal was to buy some props for our gender announcement photos! Let’s just say, you have some toys and accessories already! One is a big stuffed puppy, similar...

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Lana & Cuong’s Wedding

Jul 16, 11 Lana & Cuong’s Wedding

Posted by in Events, Spreading the News

Hey sweetheart! Daddy and I went to the beautiful wedding of Auntie Lana & Uncle Cuong today. It was a warm day, but I kept us hydrated with a lot of water and fruit, especially watermelons — your favorite! We saw a lot of our friends there! You have so many happy aunties and uncles waiting to meet you! Your Uncle Jeff...

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Week 18 – Tummy Photos

Jul 15, 11 Week 18 – Tummy Photos

Posted by in Tummy Photos

Happy Week 18 baby! You’re slowly growing a little more each week and I’m certainly noticing it! I know you’re yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing in there. And I can’t wait to notice your movements even more in the following weeks. Your ears will be fully...

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Week 18: My Little Sweet Potato!

Jul 15, 11 Week 18: My Little Sweet Potato!

Posted by in Weekly Pregnancy Updates

Morning sweetie! I’d call you my Sweet Pea, except you’re the size of a sweet potato today! Yup, a potato! P-O-T-A-T-O, with no “e” at the end. 😉 Aww, I can’t wait for you to learn your ABC’s and start to code on your first Fisher-Price laptop. hehehe How about I call you my Sweet Potato Pie...

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Long Day with the Doctors

Jul 13, 11 Long Day with the Doctors

Posted by in Baby Photos, Dr. Visits

[CoderBaby’s first glamour photoshoot, entitled Thumb Sucking. Week 17 & 5 Days] Hey sweetheart! I couldn’t sleep much last night. I always get anxious the night before a doctor’s appointment. And I was more nervous today knowing I had to drink 3 glasses of water and hold it in for an hour and a half. Those...

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Take the Poll!

Jul 13, 11 Take the Poll!

Posted by in Baby Thoughts

Here’s the current voting status! Looks like the votes for “Girl” is pulling ahead. And look, 42 votes! The answer to everything. 😉 So, what do you think? A coding Princess or Prince? Cast your vote on the lower right side!

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Pink or Blue?! Take a Guess!

Jul 11, 11 Pink or Blue?! Take a Guess!

Posted by in Baby Thoughts

Well, our guess is just as good as yours! We’ll find out the baby’s gender soon (that’s if the baby cooperates and doesn’t end up mooning us! haha). But what is your guess and why? There’s a poll on the right side. Cast your vote and leave a comment here telling us why you voted that way. Some people...

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Week 17 – Tummy Photos

Jul 08, 11 Week 17 – Tummy Photos

Posted by in Photos, Tummy Photos

Hey Baby! Happy Week 17! Gosh you’re getting big. I have something funny to tell you. Daddy noticed that my bellybutton is getting smaller. And when I tried to look down, I couldn’t see anything. lol But after taking a look in the mirror, it definitely is. That’s where you’re attached to me right? I feel...

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