An Evening at Babies ‘R’ Us

Hello darling! Daddy and I went to Babies ‘R’ Us this evening and we had way too much fun. We were testing and checking out baby gear for you, but our main goal was to buy some props for our gender announcement photos! Let’s just say, you have some toys and accessories already! One is a big stuffed puppy, similar to one that I had when I was a kid, except yours is in your gender specific color. It’s so big and soft.. Daddy likes to hug it before he sleeps. haha
We’re still looking around for your furniture. We’ll probably purchase the crib for your nursery soon! Daddy and I like the cherry wood color, but we’re still looking for one that best fits the room and our safety expectations. There’s just so many choices… and baby things are so much more different from what they use to be when we were kids! For example, most strollers come with cupholders now! And the the car seat attaches to them as well. We didn’t have that 30 years ago.. 😉
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