Taking the Glucose Tolerance Test – Pass or Fail?

Sep 02, 11 Glucose Test Drink

So I had another doctor visit today, and it’s time for my Glucose Tolerance Test. I’ve been warned by several friends about this test.

  • “Don’t eat any sugars the week of the test!”
    Well, this was the week I decided to have a cookie now and then.. but with soy milk at least!
  • The orange drink they give you tastes awful, like super sweet sugar!
    With everything I’ve been through in this pregnancy, a sweet drink is the least of my worries! lol
  • “If you don’t pass, you have to stay for another 3 hours for a follow-up test!”
    Ok, this was the only one I was worried about. I usually eat pretty healthy, so I wasn’t that worried.. but another 3 hours at the hospital would be quite a bummer.

When the nurse called me in, I already knew I had to drink some nasty orange drink. The doctor had told me not to eat or drink anything 2 hours before the test. So I was quite hungry and thirsty by the time I got to the hospital. She handed me something that looked like a bottle of orange soda. I asked her what it tastes like and she said super sweet orange soda! So I drank it and well, it wasn’t bad at all. Maybe I was just really thirsty, but it tasted more like orange gatorade and was not that super sweet at all.

I saw another doctor today who just did a quick exam on me, measuring my tummy and listening to the baby’s heartbeat. She smiled as she was listening, so I’m taking that as a good sign. Then she went to talk to my regular doctor about my medical history and his plans for me closer to labor. They must have chatted for a while, because I was sitting there waiting for a while..

My next doctor visit was scheduled for two weeks later. The nurse had problems booking it since there were no openings. She had to take me to the ‘master scheduler’ to have the appointment booked. She finally found a slot and I just said yes knowing how hard it is to get an appointment around here!

The nurse rushed me off and told me to go to the lab to have my blood test — I’m suppose to take this an hour after drinking the orange drink. So off I went. I was under the impression that I would be here for another 3 hours if I didn’t pass the test. But when I asked the gal in the lab, she said my results will be in online later and if there are any problems, they’ll just call me. Whew. So I can finally get some food!

Albert took me to a local diner for breakfast and it felt so good to sit in a restaurant again. I had a large plate of homemade hash browns, eggs, and a plate full of wheat toast! Mmm.. and I finished most of it too. lol

We then went home and I checked the results of my test. I was slightly higher than average, so we’ll see what the doctor says..

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