Week 27 – Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!

Happy Third Trimester my little baby girl! We’re now at Week 27, the first day of the Third Trimester! It’s been an amazing journey with you so far, and there’s so much that I’m learning about you.
You still love being on the left side of my stomach! You like Mommy sporting the lopsided tummy look. haha You kick so much there, and you’re starting to stretch out on that side too. Each time you do, I do feel short of breath, but taking deep breaths really help. It’s nothing I can’t handle, and knowing that you’re growing fills my heart with joy. As I’m writing this, you’ve already kicked me more than 10 times within the last minute. Active little one aren’t you?
I spend time watching and talking to you every day. It’s just amazes me to see you move around in there. And what’s more wonderful is how you respond back with excited kicks! And there are times when you stretch around in my stomach, but seem to know to stop when I gently touch you.
It’s been a rough week for Mommy — I had my injection shot on Tuesday, Glucose Tolerance Test on Wednesday, been feeling super fatigue, and experiencing some painful backaches this week, but every sweet thought of you keeps me going strong. We’ll be seeing the doctor later this afternoon, and I have a big list of questions already prepared for him. lol It’s the one hospital visit this week that I’m looking forward to! Daddy and I get to see/hear you!
We’re 2/3rds of the way there baby! Just three more months until you make your appearance. 😉
Your Baby
Baby is still the size of an eggplant! This week, your little one weighs in at almost 2 pounds and is almost 15 inches long. Eyelashes are also starting to grow at the ends of the lids, and someone will be taking a first peek around this week, as baby’s eyelids flutter open for the first time. The eyelids won’t stay open for too long yet, but the blinking reflex will begin. More good news: Your baby probably recognizes the voice behind all those lullabies now, and he/she is falling in love just as fast as you are.She’s sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don’t bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.
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