2-Hour Postprandial Blood Glucose Test

I took my 2-Hour Postprandial Blood Glucose Test this morning. My doctor had mentioned to me what the test was a month ago. But since I saw a different doctor recently, the new doctor ordered the wrong test. I figured as much. I really don’t want to drink that glucose drink again. So I was stuck explaining to the lady at the lab what I need to do. She insisted I had to fast for at least 8 hours. I told her, no, my original doctor said 2 hours fasting, take the blood test, then go eat, and then another test. After some phone calls, they got it all straightened out.
Good thing I still had some sort of memory left! Who wants to drink the glucose drink anyways and not be able to eat for another 2 hours? Yikes. When I went into the lab to have my blood drawn, they asked me if anyone told me what I had to eat. Nope. So they handed me a sheet of paper that said I could have 2 slices of toast, a teaspoon of jelly, and 8oz of orange juice.
Albert took me to a nearby diner and I had part of his breakfast. It wasn’t a very big part and I was craving the eggs and potatoes he was having. lol
We stopped by Party City to pick up a few things, then went to Babies R Us to test out some of the things on our registry. It’s very hard to shop online when you can’t test drive the items in person! I finally found the diaper bag I love — the Skip Hop Versa in Navy. The other ones they had were a bit too bright, colorful, or full of patterns. It looks a lot different online by itself until you try it on. We also found a few smaller things to add to the registry as well. *points at the monkey mirror above*
By 1pm, I returned to the hospital to take the second blood test. My tests were just confusing all the lab people. Note to self, don’t go to the hospital on a Friday or even during lunch times. They’re as anxious to get home/go out to lunch as much as we are! Let’s just say, my second shot hurt.. and it normally doesn’t!
I got my results not too long ago, and I know I’m self-diagnosing, but I think I finally passed. I bet all that walking/shopping helped! My count is so much lower than what it was a month ago. So I’m happy! Tired, but happy. And baby is at Week 32 today.. that means only 8 more weeks to go! And she hasn’t kicked too much in the last few hours. All that walking made her tired and sleepy. haha
Plus, my friends at work are throwing me a baby shower next week. I’m so excited to see everyone! It’s been over 3 months since I saw any of them!

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