Week 30 Ultrasound

[Ultrasound at Week 30, Day 4. It’s hard to make out, but that’s her face and you can see two little hands.]
Hello darling! Last Tuesday was a fun day for Mommy and Daddy, and the highlight was definitely being able to see you again! I had my check-up appointment with another doctor — my regular doctor went on vacation earlier, so his schedule was pretty booked this week.
I wanted to have an ultrasound again because it’s been a while since we’ve seen you. I think the last time was at Week 19, and we’re almost at Week 31 already. He was happy to do it! So he brought in the machine and there you were! Strong heartbeat and moving all around. Your head is already down, and your little tushie is on my right side. I knew that was your tushie there because the kicks on that side were so strong. And yes I asked him to double check again. You are definitely a girl. Apparently the proper medical term is “hamburger bun.” lol I can only imagine what word they use to describe a boy! I just wanted to make sure before I go all crazy with the pinks in your room. 😉
After my doctor visit, I went to the nurse to get my weekly injection and my flu shot. This was the fun part. The flu shot was nothing, but the injections were starting to hurt more now. But the good news is, I only have 4 more weeks of it!
We were about to leave the hospital but I told your daddy that the Flu shots were over there. He was pretty hesitant about getting it today after his experience with the whooping cough vaccination. But he went and got it because of you. You should be so proud of him. lol
Overall, everything was great. The doctor also said that I can go out for a little bit, as long as I’m resting and sitting most of the time. That’s always good to hear.
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