6 Weeks Old!
Katie is 6 Weeks old today! I can’t believe how quickly time flies. It seems like yesterday when I finally got to meet her. She’s getting much bigger now too, weighing over 9lbs. She’s also finally growing into some of her clothes, and growing out of others!
Things I love about you Katie:
- The way you scoot your body down in search for food. It’s just too funny, and you don’t just do that to me. lol
- Love how you like to punch the sock monkey.
- I find it funny how you manage to make your Dad scream when he changes your diaper. It’s hilarious.
- The way you love to sleep on your two arms.
- Cute and funny noises you make.
- The way you laugh in your sleep! We sometimes call you Shelly because you laugh like Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory!
- The way you lift your head up and turn when we call you.
Each day with you has been a joy and we’re learning about being parents as we go. Glad you’re here to bring so much love and joy to our family sweetie.

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