Review: Touch Pets Dogs for iPad and iPhone

Mar 26, 12 iPad Baby

The iPad isn’t just for adults, they’re great for babies too! As you can see here, my daughter loves playing on it and she’s only 4 and a half months old.

A few days ago, I was making all sorts of animal noises to make my daughter laugh. And the one that made her laugh hysterically was a dog’s bark! I wonder if it’s because she heard my neighbors dogs barking in the womb. Anyhow, she loves that sound, so my husband found a fun B-I-N-G-O video for her to watch. And she loves the VW Bark Side. It got me the idea of downloading Touch Pets Dogs for her. And she loved it! She would watch her dog walk around and tap him to make him bark.

Touch Pets Dogs (iTunes link) is basically a game where you take care of your pet dog. It needs water, to be fed, played with, etc. It’s like a Tamagotchi for your iPad (or iPhone)! This game is great for young kids, ages 3 and up. But for the really little ones, you’ll need to keep an eye on them. They may tap on a screen that brings up a popup window and not know how to get out of it. Also, if you’re using it for a baby, play with the dog outdoors since there’s too many distractions inside of the house.

The game is free, but you can purchase more food and toys for your pet via in-app purchases if you wanted to. And if you’re a cat lover, there’s an app for that too. Overall, it’s an adorable game that’ll keep your little one (or you) busy and happy.

iPad Tip: I had to turn off the mutli-gestures off on the iPad though. When she puts her hands on the iPad, all five fingers touch, so when she swipes, the app closes! To turn this off, go to Settings -> General -> Multitasking Gestures -> Off.

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