A Day at Santa Monica Pier!

It hit the mid 90’s at home, so the family and headed out to Santa Monica for the day at the beach. What I should have done was check the weather before I left! I guess I just assumed it’d be nice and sunny, but when we got there, it was cold and foggy! I wore a sundress and so did the baby. Her body has been a bit warmer this week, so she was fine, but I was freezing! We had a wonderful time nevertheless!
I absolutely LOVE Santa Monica Place! It is such a family-friendly place to shop and stroll around in. I only wish there were more family-family stores like Baby GAP, Children’s Place, Land of Nod, or Children’s Pottery Barn! Could I put in some store suggestions? 😉
One thing that really made this shopping center stand out to me are the family and nursing rooms near the restrooms. Every time the baby got hungry, I would take her into the nursing room to feed her. It smelled good and was quite comfortable for the both of us. There was a rocking chair, small table with two chairs (in case you had other small children), and a changing station in there. I loved it. It gave us the chance to relax a bit before going shopping again.
I had the opportunity to check out all the baby stuff in the stores. And I totally fell in love with the aden + anais bibs! And the bamboo version of their swaddle blankets were extra soft too. Love their products! I also tried on the Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Diaper bag! I really wanted to see how it felt as a backpack, and it was quite comfortable even though the bag was huge! I prefer the Sashay Satchel one though because of the shape. I only wish I saw that one at the store to test out. Little Giraffe blankets are super soft too. I loved it, but I don’t think I’ll need it since it’ll be summer in California soon. I also got the chance to look at the Skip Hop Zoo stuff up close. It was hard to decide, but I think my favorite was the ladybug. So cute! I had a wonderful time researching baby accessories. 😉
The Santa Monica Pier was also within walking distance from the shopping center — about a mile or so? So we strolled down there and got some ice cream and a few photos. I just couldn’t believe how cold and foggy it was. Katie really enjoyed watching the carousel go round and round. It was even hard to distract her with the bowl of ice cream. haha
The one thing I didn’t like was the rush hour traffic in LA. It probably took us over an hour to go a few miles. The baby didn’t like it either!
On the way home, we tried this ramen place called Tamaya. Katie wanted a giant bowl for herself too. We stopped by 85 Degrees Bakery and Katie loved looking at all the different breads. Yum-o!
That was pretty much our day. We’ve been trying to go out a little more to practice for bigger family vacations. 😉 So how was your weekend?
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