Wittlebee Box #4 is here!

Yay! Wittlebee Box #4 is here! And look how excited Coderbaby is! I think she’s use to opening these boxes by now.
I had requested bright colors in my notes, so at first glance, I was kind of iffy about this box. But once we started unraveling the pieces, they turned out to be quite cute. Here are the pieces we got:
- Vitamins Baby 2-Piece Capri Set Scroll & Dots ($30)
- Baby Headquarters White Eyelet Top and Stripe Black & White Pants Set ($34)
- Children’s Place Lavender Skirt ($12.95)
- Children’s Place Pants ($14.95)
- American Apparel Infant Baby Rib Short Sleeve Lap T ($10)
- Strawberry Tank Top (~$5)
Okie, I’m done opening this box, where’s the next one?
My favorite one is the pastel pink outfit. Love the patterns and the rosettes on the top. I don’t think I would ever pick out an outfit like this if I shopped on my own, so I’m glad I have a Wittlebee stylist to do it.
The Baby HQ eyelet outfit is quite adorable too. The only thing that worries me is that it’s white.. I’ll just have to be sure she doesn’t eat anything that stains a lot when she wears it. But the other fun part is, I have a white eyelet dress so we can go out sorta matchy-matchy. If we go out to eat, we can both be messy-messy. lol
The other basic items are great for mixing and matching items from her other boxes. I especially love the khaki pants! You can wear them up like capris or down like regular pants. That’s great, depending on the type of weather we’re having.
I did start to request clothes in bigger sizes (18m for this box) since she has enough clothes to get her through summer and part of fall. So she’ll be sporting these items probably early next spring. These Wittlebee boxes are so much fun to receive every month.. I couldn’t bring myself to pause my subscription.
Overall, this was a great box even though it wasn’t what I expected. I love that our stylist made actual outfits from all the clothes. All the items seem very comfortable to wear for playtime and even naptime. Only the Baby HQ blouse has buttons on the back, so that’ll be playwear only. I did request pants, so I’m happy I got 3! They’ll come in handy when it actually gets a bit cold in the winter months. And I could always put leggings on her when she wears that skirt. I do hope my next box has brighter colors though. I’m a photographer, so bright colors stand out in photos better. And I have my fingers crossed for something from CK and/or Kicky Pants? Read more about my Wittlebee Boxes and reviews.
Note: New members will receive 6 items in their boxes. I receive 8 items because I subscribe before July 1, 2012.
Disclosure: I am a paid customer and subscribe to Wittlebee each month for $39.99. But this month’s box turned out to be free because of all of your wonderful referrals. Thank you for your support and for signing up under my special $10 off coupon link. You get $10 off your first box, and I earn $10 off for each referral. This helps keep CoderBaby well-dressed and my children’s clothes obsession from getting out of hand. The honest opinions expressed in this article are my own and are not influenced by Wittlebee.
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