Making a Race Car

Feb 02, 14 Making a Race Car

I recently learned about the Free Kid Workshops that Home Depot had I couldn’t have been more excited about going to Home Depot! I was looking forward to this event all week.

These FREE Kid Workshops are held on the first Saturday of each month. This weekend, my daughter and I built a race car from two blocks of wood, some nails, paint, and wheel. It was quite an experience and I highly recommend taking your kids to these workshops.

We arrived at our local Home Depot a little after 9am and they handed us the car kit, a hammer, an apron, and a project pin. We sat down at the workshop bench and started working away. My daughter is two, so Mommy and Daddy did a lot of the hammering. But she enjoyed watching and helping where she could. Painting the car was her favorite part. She picked out a color for her car, and we gave her some paint and a paintbrush and she just went for it. We kept it in the sun to dry for a bit, and then went back and put all the stickers on it. After the car was completed, she kept rolling it and you can see the sense of accomplishment she felt knowing that she help make the toy.

I love these kind of learning events! Thanks Home Depot for having these workshops!

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