
A lot of mothers keep journals of their pregnancy and I can’t say I’m any different. I love the idea of keeping a record of my random thoughts because I know perfectly well I’ll forget them the next day (or hour!). Blame the forgetfulness on my pregnancy journey, but I also love the idea that one day, my child will have a keepsake to read and understand what I went through, my thoughts of happiness, and how much joy he/she brings in my life.

As a web programmer for over a decade now.. my handwriting has suffered greatly through the years. It’s so much easier for me to jot down my thoughts in a blog post rather than paper and pen. So that’s why this blog was born. But to make it up to my child, I’ll be creating scrapbooks and other keepsakes that will pull from my thoughts in this blog!

My husband and I had our first child last November and life couldn’t be more tiring and exciting all at once. This blog is about our journey from pregnancy to parenthood and we welcome you to be a part of it!

About Baby – Katie

Our daughter was expected to be born in mid-December, but decided to arrive a whole month early! Just in time to celebrate Mommy’s birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s! She didn’t want to miss out on all the holidays apparently. She weighed 5lbs, 12oz at birth, and is now a healthy 4.5 months old baby. She’s currently teething and her favorite things to do is take baths, dance, listen to music, and play on her iPad.

About Mommy – Daynah

Daynah is a web developer, who enjoys creating webpages, designing, and coding. In her free time, she also enjoys photography, scrapbooking, and crafting. She’s also a (now mommy-to-be) blogger, writing about technology, apps, and her various hobbies.

Websites: Daynah.net · Daynah.com · Scrappn.com · Twitter

About Daddy – Albert

Albert is a web developer and a database administrator who enjoys coding, technology, and home DIY projects. In his free time, he writes and creates music as well as explore the world of photography.

Websites: Albertech.net · AffinityZero.com · Twitter


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