Happy 16 months baby! You’re growing up way too fast. But your Daddy and I have been enjoying every moment of it. We find it amazing to watch how much you change and develop within a week.
You took over the iPad Mini, so it’s completely yours now. I’ve rearranged the apps so your favorites are on the dashboard and...
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Happy 14 Months darling! I still can’t believe you’re growing up so fast. You’re like a little ball of energy! We’re constantly chasing you around the house.. and that’s with you just crawling! I bet those 2+ hour naps help you recharge throughout the day don’t they?
One of the greatest joys of...
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I’m heading back to work soon, so I wanted to make sure CoderBaby has plenty to eat while I’m gone during the day. I’ve been working on changing her diet lately so she would eat more solids and snacks. I’m pretty open to trying out new baby food and products, especially if I could find a coupon for them. Here...
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My daughter was on a playdate the other day and she just loved playing with her friend’s rides. So last night, we went shopping at Target and found this Fisher-Price Little People Music Parade Ride-On and thought she’d like it. Turns out, she loved it as you can see from the video.
It’s a lot of fun and makes so...
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Happy 10 Months Old sweetheart! You’re growing up way too fast! I can’t believe how quickly time flies too. 10 months ago, you completely changed my life, for the better of course. And I look forward to watching you grow every day.
For the past month or so, you’ve been saying “Momma” pretty clearly. The...
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My friend is in town so I had to schedule a playdate with her and her little girl. We had a fun time. CoderBaby was a bit shy at first. After she got over it, she started playing with her friend. Here’s my favorite photo of the nite.
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What can I say…? She likes to eat Apples!
She even signed for the phone when the UPS guy dropped off the package. Now she’s testing out the iPhone 5 before her Daddy comes home. If it’s bite-worthy, then it’s definitely worth the upgrade. lol
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Happy 9 months darling! I can’t believe how quickly time flies. I still remember how small and precious you were 9 months ago. And now you’re big, healthy, and learning so much.
You’ve been growing up so quickly, especially in the last two weeks! A 6th tooth popped out on the top right side. And now that...
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“Mom, I want to go to Google I/O next year!” -Coderbaby
Besides watching the Google I/O Keynote, she’s been very talkative today too. Katie has been saying Dada for a while now. But this week, it’s really frequent. And she’ll say it when I ask her to also! My lucky husband has a new song all about him....
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Six months ago, I gave birth to the most important person in my life. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.. rushing to the hospital, scared, anxious, then excited and filled with happiness. I remember trying to wait patiently for the doctors and nurses to hand me my little girl. And I remember it feeling like forever...
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It’s an amazing feeling to know that this is my first of many Mother’s Day celebration! It’s a tough and tiring job, but if you ask me, it’s the best and more rewarding job in the world. I can’t believe how fast my little girl is growing up. And watching her learn something new each day just amazes...
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Yay! Katie had another first today. She tried her first solid food! We put some GERBER® Single Grain Cereal – Rice in a bowl and added milk and spoon-fed her for first time. She was really excited about eating from a spoon. She even put out both hands to help me feed her. And I was really excited to use the Baby Dipper Bowl for...
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Katie and I are extremely excited about attending Sophie the Giraffe’s Twitter Birthday Party tonight, hosted by Spokesmoms! We’re both getting ready to join the fun! Reading up on baby products and getting our #hashtags ready! There’s lots of great and generous prizes; wish us luck! I’ll see you...
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Happy 5 Months baby! I can’t believe how quickly time as I watch you grow. Each day has been a great blessing and you just keep me smiling.
You’re starting to have quite the personality! You’re growing more curious each day and you’re starting to take interest in foods and Mommy and Daddy’s keyboards...
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Aww, our little coderbaby is “hanging out” with Daddy on Google+. Such a geeky baby. She was jumping and getting all excited when she saw and heard him.
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Baby and I escaped the house for a bit to visit my workplace. She met some wonderful new friends there! It was her nap time so she was kinda quiet but stayed awake because she was curious at all the new faces!
Here’s Katie with her Auntie Tammy, Auntie Terry, and Auntie Maria!
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