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Posts Tagged "American Apparel"
I rushed home today so I could get CoderBaby ready to go Trick-or-Treating and saw a lovely surprise at the door. Yup! Wittlebee Box #6 arrived! When we opened the box, there was a nice Wittlebee trick-or-treat bag in it. How perfect is that?!
I was really happy when I saw the Tea Collection leg warmers in the box. It was starting...
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Yay! Wittlebee Box #4 is here! And look how excited Coderbaby is! I think she’s use to opening these boxes by now.
I had requested bright colors in my notes, so at first glance, I was kind of iffy about this box. But once we started unraveling the pieces, they turned out to be quite cute. Here are the pieces we got:
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Yay! Our Wittlebee Box #2 arrived the other day and we’re really happy. It’s a mixed Diva and Geek box, and our stylist got some of the items on our list. I was specific with some items and probably didn’t get them because of availability, but I’m happy with this box. Funny thing is, it’s all clothes I...
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Let’s get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let’s get into physical!
Putting these legwarmers on the baby reminds me of Olivia Newton John’s 80’s hit. But it’s also a fun way to dress up a basic onesie! I got this pink American Apparel onesie in last month’s Wittlebee box and I was...
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Every time I head out of the house to go shopping, it takes a lot of planning. Will I be using the baby carrier or putting my daughter in the stroller? I always bring both just in case. If she’s sleeping, she goes in the stroller so we don’t disturb her. If she’s awake and active, she goes in the baby carrier so...
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