Stroller and Car Seat Purchased!

Nov 06, 11 Stroller and Car Seat Purchased!

Posted by in Shopping

Tired and exhausted from the baby shower, we knew we had to still get a few more things before the baby arrives. So we waited until the rain stopped and headed out to Babies R Us and Target. There’s this one guy worker at Babies R Us who’s quite helpful and knowledgeable so we were looking for him to help us pick out a...

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Two Thumbs.. Suck!

Aug 10, 11 Two Thumbs.. Suck!

Posted by in Baby Photos, Dr. Visits, Photos, Shopping

[Ultrasound photo entitled, “Two Thumbs… Suck?” Well, you saw the photo with a thumb in her mouth.. how about both thumbs? She’s as talented as her Daddy, I can tell that already!] Today was a fun and exciting day! After being stuck in the house for weeks, any day I get to step outside is fun and exciting....

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