Review: 4moms Origami Stroller

May 11, 12 Review: 4moms Origami Stroller

Posted by in Baby Product Reviews

The Origami stroller by 4moms is one of the most unique strollers I’ve tested out since becoming a first-time mother. Believe me when I say, strollers have come a long way! There’s just so many built-in features nowadays, and this one is just the cream of the crop! The Origami has a lot of features and options that you...

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Stroller and Car Seat Purchased!

Nov 06, 11 Stroller and Car Seat Purchased!

Posted by in Shopping

Tired and exhausted from the baby shower, we knew we had to still get a few more things before the baby arrives. So we waited until the rain stopped and headed out to Babies R Us and Target. There’s this one guy worker at Babies R Us who’s quite helpful and knowledgeable so we were looking for him to help us pick out a...

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