Week 30 Ultrasound

Oct 13, 11 Week 30 Ultrasound

Posted by in Baby Photos, Dr. Visits

[Ultrasound at Week 30, Day 4. It’s hard to make out, but that’s her face and you can see two little hands.] Hello darling! Last Tuesday was a fun day for Mommy and Daddy, and the highlight was definitely being able to see you again! I had my check-up appointment with another doctor — my regular doctor went on...

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Long Day with the Doctors

Jul 13, 11 Long Day with the Doctors

Posted by in Baby Photos, Dr. Visits

[CoderBaby’s first glamour photoshoot, entitled Thumb Sucking. Week 17 & 5 Days] Hey sweetheart! I couldn’t sleep much last night. I always get anxious the night before a doctor’s appointment. And I was more nervous today knowing I had to drink 3 glasses of water and hold it in for an hour and a half. Those...

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